Retailer Services


Settlement process

Load settlement is the process of allocating energy consumption at the site level on an hourly basis. The site level allocations are assigned to retailers based on customer enrollment. Load settlement activities are completed in accordance with the Settlement System Code (AUC Rule 021). Load settlement information is used to settle retailer accounts with ENMAX Power Corporation and the Alberta Electric System Operator, and is not to be used as the basis for individual customer bills from the retailer. The following are settlement functions:

  • Allocating Energy
  • Distributing Settlement Data
  • Establishing Profiles
  • Handling of Errors and Disputes

Allocation of energy

ENMAX Power will determine, allocate or estimate energy consumption at each site.

Interval Metered Sites

Load settlement aggregates interval-metered consumption data to obtain hourly consumption values for use in the Load Settlement process.

Cumulative (Non-interval) Metered Sites

Cumulative metered sites are allocated based on profiles. Profile are based on the following:

  • ENMAX Power's residential profile is based on dynamic estimation, using residential sample sites.
  • All other cumulative metered sites are based on Net System Load Shape (NSLS) (i.e., the system load minus interval, deemed and residential load.)
  • Deemed profiles are applied to sites which are not metered. (i.e., streetlights, traffic lights, cathodic protection and other sites with predictable load.)

Unmetered Sites (Deemed Load Profiles)

Some sites, such as street lighting and traffic signals, are settled using load shapes derived from operating schedules. Estimated consumption is based on factors such as number of devices, wattage and hours of use.

Calculate and Allocate Distribution System Losses

ENMAX Power calculates loss factors by developing a loss multiplier (using a modeled approach) for each settled hour. The loss multiplier times the load results in the allocated distribution loss. Individual rate classes have their own 'loss factor'. Distribution Losses are allocated to a retailer based in its share of total energy consumption for the Settlement Zone based on its share of total energy plus losses.

Unaccounted for Energy (UFE)

UFE is calculated as the total system Load minus the sum of:

  • Total interval metered Load
  • Total cumulative load
  • Total unmetered load
  • Total system losses

Balancing Within Settlement Zone

Total energy allocation for each settlement hour equals the total point of delivery(POD) readings for that hour within the settlement zone (POD = interval +cumulative + unmetered + system losses + UFE).

ENMAX Power measures all of its Calgary wires service area as a single settlement zone.

Distribute settlement data

Provide Retailers with Settlement Results

Settlement results are allocated to Retailers according to the sites for which they are the Retailer of Record during the settlement period. Retailers will receive the standard settlement information on a scheduled basis as specified in the Settlement System Code.

Provide Consumption Data to AESO for Settlement

Settlement results for each hour of each settlement day are provided to AESO, whom then utilizes this information for financial settlement purposes.

Settlement Timing

ENMAX Power performs Initial Daily, Monthly, Interim and Final settlement runs in accordance with the Alberta Utilities Commission, Settlement System Code (AUC Rule 021).

Each iteration of settlement incorporates newer and more complete data, thereby increasing the accuracy of the settlement run.

Initial Daily and Monthly Settlements are largely based on estimates. As more actual meter data becomes available, these are incorporated in the next settlement. Revisions after the Final Settlement are addressed via the Post Final Adjustment Mechanism (PFAM) as outlined in the System Settlement Code (AUC Rule021).

Establishing profiles

Since cumulative meters are read monthly (or greater), ENMAX Power uses statistical profiling to allocate monthly energy usage to an hourly value. ENMAX Power uses a combination of Net System Load Shape (NSLS) and researched profiles based on dynamic estimation.

The cumulative threshold for EPC is established at 150 kVA. All sites with load above that level are or will be equipped with interval meters. Profiles are not required for interval metered sites, since reads are taken every 15 minutes.

EPC will utilize the following for load profiling:

  • Net System Load Shape for commercial and industrial cumulative meters.
  • A residential profile derived from dynamic load research.
  • Deemed load profiles for unmetered loads.

No Liability of Load Profiles to Retailers

The process of load allocation to Retailers involves statistical samples and estimation. ENMAX Power will not be responsible for any estimating errors and will not be liable to any Retailer for any costs that are associated with such estimating errors.

Special Cases

  • Self Retailer
    An end use customer that arranges its own power purchases through AESO is considered to be a Self Retailer. ENMAX Power doesn't differentiate between "Retailers" and "Self Retailers" in terms of settlement, communication or business relationship.
  • Direct Sales
    A direct sales customer doesn't buy power through AESO. For settlement, ENMAX Power considers such a customer to be its own Retailer. The site is then included in settlement as would be any other point of service.

Handling of errors and disputes

Dispute Resolution

Procedures for dispute resolution among parties affected by settlement calculations are described in the Settlement System Code (AUC Rule 021).

Disputes arising after final settlement will be handled under the Post Final Adjustment Mechanism (PFAM) as determined by the Settlement System Code and will only result in financial adjustments (no additional settlement runs).
